Home of Rehnadee Shum, A Language For Meditation

The Self-God, Imagery
The ultimate goal of all Shum meditation is Emkaef, The Self-God.

"Who Am I?" I don't mean rhetorically but really have you deeply pondered this question? Of course a simple answer to this can just be your name. But really your name was given to you, you didn't choose it yourself (unless if you had changed it yourself). With your name you can identify yourself and create your personality around it. Then who is it that  'you' that does all that work, that is to accept your name and decide on your personality. How do you decide what you like to eat, how you like to dress even your favourite colour.

If you find yourself getting curious about just who you are beyond your name and what you like and don't, you are reaching into that part of you that is the essence of you. It also means that you are a mystic or a mystic at heart in search of self discovery. You will find that you can relate with everyone around you normally, but you have an uncommon interest about the you within you. This is even beyond the simple infatuations about mystical ‘superhero,’ type powers or ability. You could not be bothered about being different or special from everyone else, you just want to know–Who Am I? If you step on this path of self-discovery you will be interested in meditation and its goals for it promises to answer this question through the experience of spiritual enlightenment. 

In Rehnadee Shum this path of self-discovery is a gradual uncovering of layers of yourself through states of enlightenment that are aggregated by meditation levels. Even at the beginner level there are states of enlightenment to attain. These are gatekeeper experiences that signal growing mystic ability of the meditator allowing him to progress into more mystical enlightenment experience until he reaches the ultimate experience of enlightenment which is Emkaeef; .

This Rehnadee Shum Lexicon entry collects all the states of enlightenment and organises them according to the meditation levels.


Kaef–Pure Consciousness



Pure Consicousness; just think of your right little-finger. Feel the finger with your mind without moving it. Concentrate on the finger for a little bit, you will feel a sensation on your finger. Now realise that you are aware of your finger, concentrate on this realisation until the sensation on your right little finger goes away. You are now feeling your consciousness only conscious of itself. This is Kaef or Pure Consciousness.

This simple exercise is how Gurudeva taught me to experience Kaef. Basically if you are aware of something, anything and just remove that thing from your field of awareness in the mind, what will be left is Kaef, Pure Consciousness. Kaef is an important mystic experience to master to progress beyond basic Shum meditations and begind deeper explorations of the Innerverse. 


Ekaef, The Mystic Sound Nada-Nadi 


If you are alone in a sound proof room or in a cave with no other sounds from the outside, what do you hear in your mind? If you a high-pitched 'eee' sound, as my guru would often say like the sound of the buzz of a swarm of bees. That is the experience of Ekaef. Ekaef marks the activation of the 6th chakra, the ajna chakra.


Emkaeef; – Ultimate State of Spiritual Enlightenment 


The ultimate goal of all Shum meditation is Emkaeef; . As a Rehnaa progresses in her meditations her collection of meditation maps will eventually lead her to Emkaeef; –The Summit of Mystical Effort.

Emkaeef; lies at the mysterious confluence of non-existence and existence. It is at the brink of consciousness beyond which is transcendence and after which is the spring of consciousness from whence all Creation issues forth. Across the spritual-mystic traditions of the East 'Nothingness' is the most sought after goal of meditation and so it is in Shum meditation too. Emkaeef; is defined as the Opposite-of-Consciousness. Where Em means the-opposite-of and Kaef is Pure Consciousness . Emkaeef; is the only 14th Dimension Shum word there is. 

Emkaeef; is a parradox. If you can accept that the world around us came out of nothing–that that nothing is the source of this vast universe, that before the creation of this universe there was no conciousness and no history–if you can hold the significance and consequences of these thoughts in your mind, then perhaps you can simulate the experience of Emkaeef; . Another way to simulate the experience of Emkaeef; is as my guru had instructed in his talk–The Self-God. He said, if you can imagine infront of you–nothing, to the back of you–nothing, to your left–nothing, to your right–nothing, above you–nothing, below you–nothing, then imagine your being dissolving into that nothingness, yet that nothingingness is not the absence of something but the fullness of everything, you can have a sense of Emkaeef;–The Self-God.

These are just simulations of the experience of Emkaeef; . To have the real experience requires extensive preparation of the body, mind and spirit to first achieve the awakening of the kundalini shakti and then to direct kundalini to break the seal of the brahmarandhra at the crown of the head so kundalini can carry consciousness into the 14th dimension. The goal of Emkaeef; looms in the mind of the Shum meditator during the intermediate stage of meditation. As they advance in this stage the goal of Emkaeef; turns to a desire as an innate sense of need for the experience becomes stronger and stronger. Challenges to progress in meditation will also become more personalised and at this stage the guidance of a guru who has himself or herself achieved Emkaeef; will be of great benefit.

The attainment of Emkaeef; however needs to be recognised as it is not as straight-forward as getting something or feeling something. How could you say that you had experienced 'nothing' and that that experience meant something. There are no senses spiritual or physical that could ever feel something from nothing. The experience of Emkaeef; is actually recognised by understanding its consequence to the mind and this only happens after many experiences of Emkaeef;. Realising that one has attained The Self-God is in itself a part of ones Shum journey–post enlightenment. Even for me realizing that I had attained Emkaeef; took a couple of years. 

Shummef the Shum perspective has Emkaeef; as its ultimate goal. Shumef holds that the purpose of life on Earth is to grow spiritually and that our sojourn on Earth can be completed with the attainment of Emkaeef;. My Guru had told me, "The Self–Emkaeef; does not make you great, it makes you complete."  

Emkaef grants us access to all faculties of our mind and while we may be familiar with much of the capabilities of our mind relating to this world the capabilities and possibilities of experience and adventure in the spiritual realms can only be fully enjoyed after one has immersed in Emkaeef;.

Founder and Webmaster, Shum Sanctuary
Guhanatha Swami is the Founder of Shum Sanctuary and the principal author of the site's content. His spiritual journey led him to the creation Shum Sanctuary as a means of sharing the Path of Enlightenment with the world. You can connect with him through Shum Sanctuary's contact page. His spiritual journey that led him to his guru and his subsequent introduction to the Shum language is chronicled in the the following article: How A Language Inspired My Spiritual Journey.

Meditation is time for you to be with yourself.