Shum Sanctuary-Home of Rehnadee Shum-A Language for Meditation

Welcome to Shum Sanctuary. Ushering The Age of Enlightenment

Shum.tyam, Welcome to Shum Sanctuary. My name is Guhanatha Swami and I want to introduce you to Rehnadee Shum, a language created by a mystic for mystics and aspiring mystics. 

Rehnadee Shum maps the mystic mind by naming mystical experiences and categorising them into dimensions that are parallel to the spiritual chakras. This in turn allows us to explore mystic universe–The Innerverse–an amazing world right within us. The Innerverse is a world of experience that goes beyond the horizons of our physical world into the spiritual. In Shum Sanctuary you can journey into The Innerverse within you through Rehnadee Shum meditations using its primary tool–meditation maps. Rehnadee Shum meditators use meditation maps to advance step by step on the Path of Enlightenment

An example of a beginner meditation map. These maps are essential to the practice of Rehnadee Shum meditations.

Meditation maps chart a meditator's journey from nascency to the deepest mystic levels possible. The effectiveness of Rehnadee Shum as a language for meditation is drawn from Shummef–The Shum Perspective. Shummef is a faculty of the mind from which Rehnadee Shum springs. You can learn more about The Shum Perspective in the Rehnadee Shum's Lexicon. This Lexicon is the encylopaedic element of Shum Sanctuary that collects and organises Rehnadee Shum words and meditation maps. Exploring the lexicon is in itself a mystic experience as it lays out mystic landscapes and explorations into the Innerverse that Rehnadee Shum meditators can journey to. 

Shummef, The Shum Perspective, empowers Rehnadee Shum meditations to access the depths of the Innerverse.

Rehnadee Shum is a dialect of the Shum language that I founded in 2021. I learned the Shum language from its creator the Late Sivaya Subramuniyaswami who was my guru through a decade-long discipleship in the 1990's. Rehnadee Shum and the Shum language I learned from my guru are equally functional as both are used to create meditation maps. The differences between them are in the technicalities of word formation. The similarities and differences between Rehnadee Shum and my guru's Shum language is detailed in this article–Rehnadee Shum-A Dialect of Shum. In Shum Sanctuary, the word Shum or Shum language always refers to the Rehnadee Shum dialect. is Rehnadee Shum's digital portal. Through Shum Sanctuary I want to share the efficacy of Rehnadee Shum as a meditation technique that will enrich your life with the wonders of the Innerverse. 

Guhanatha Swami, Founder and Webmaster of Shum Sanctuary shares his spiritual journey inspired by the Shum language.


Founder and Webmaster, Shum Sanctuary
Guhanatha Swami is the Founder of Shum Sanctuary and the principal author of the site's content. His spiritual journey led him to the creation Shum Sanctuary as a means of sharing the Path of Enlightenment with the world. You can connect with him through Shum Sanctuary's contact page. His spiritual journey that led him to his guru and his subsequent introduction to the Shum language is chronicled in the the following article: How A Language Inspired My Spiritual Journey.

Shum Sanctuary is the Home of Rehnadee Shum, which is a language for meditation.