Shum Sanctuary Introduction

IngLeeYuTyayLinReh IngLeeYuTyayLinReh is a process of spiritual evolution that occurs when a Shum meditator becomes imbued by the goal of a Shum meditation. When one achieves IngLeeYuTyayLinReh through consistent practice of a prescribed Shum meditation a natural spiritual process happens where the next goal of meditation is revealed. This revelation can occur in several ways. If the meditator is under the tutelage of a Shum Master, the Master will identify IngLeeYuTyayLinReh and provide the next step. More advanced meditators who understand this process can go to the Shum Lexicon and browse it until they stumble upon a word that attracts their attention and set the next Meditation Map which may already be prepared in the Meditation Map Library or designed anew with the help of advanced Shum Guides or Shum Masters. Shum Guides and Masters can create Meditation Maps after IngLeeYuTyayLinReh that others can follow. IngLeeYuTyayLinReh is a Seventh Dimensional Shum Portrait.


LeeYuTyayLinReh is the consistent practice of a prescribed Shum meditation until IngLeeYuTyayLinReh. Part of LeeYuTyayLinReh is keeping a log of the meditation in a Shum diary (which is also known as LeeYuTyayLinReh). Writing about the meditation and drawing a Shum Mediation Map is by itself an inspiring spiritual experience. The Shum diary entry can be written anytime after the meditation and preferably before the next meditation practice. While writing the diary one will vicariously go through the mystic experiences had and this will inspire the next meditation session. Keeping this LeeYuTyayLinReh is essential to spiritual progress and is part of the process of Rehnadee Shum meditations. LeeYuTyayLinReh is a Sixth Dimensional Shum Portrait.


YuTyayLinReh is a Rehnadee Shum Meditation Map. A Shum Meditation Map is the starting point of Shum meditations. Shum Guides and Masters can create YuTyayLinReh that others can follow. These Meditation Maps are invaluable to humanity and are archived and used by future generations. Beginners and Intermediate mystics can learn to draw their own Meditation Maps with the help of Shum Guides or their Shum Master. YuTyayLinReh also provides the framework for artistic drawings of Meditation Maps and Shum Calligraphy. YuTyayLinReh is a Fifth Dimensional Shum Portrait. Meditation Maps are collected in a Library that is organised according to the levels of Rehnadee Shum mysticism.


Studying or reading the Shum Lexicon is an inspiring experience as it opens the mind to the possibility of mystic experiences that can enrich ones life. Mystic experiences are an important part of human life but often overlooked. Our life on Earth is so focused on the reality of the Universe that it usually overshadows the Innerverse. Reading the entries in the Shum Lexicon can provide respite from daily life and nurture future potential of opening up the Innververse to oneself. TyayLinReh is a Fourth Dimensional Shum Portrait.


LinReh is the physical Shum Lexicon either in digital or anyother form. LinReh is a Second Dimensional Shum Portrait.

Founder and Webmaster, Shum Sanctuary
Guhanatha Swami is the Founder of Shum Sanctuary and the principal author of the site's content. His spiritual journey led him to the creation Shum Sanctuary as a means of sharing the Path of Enlightenment with the world. You can connect with him through Shum Sanctuary's contact page. His spiritual journey that led him to his guru and his subsequent introduction to the Shum language is chronicled in the the following article: How A Language Inspired My Spiritual Journey.

Shum Sanctuary is the Home of Rehnadee Shum, which is a language for meditation.