Shum Sanctuary Introduction

Meditate,  Meditation,  Shum Meditation,  Meditation Map, is dedicated to the practice of meditation for spiritual purposes. The ultimate goal of Shum Meditations, Shumnam, is to lead the meditator to Spiritual Enlightenment. Through this process a meditator will open up the spiritual dimensions inherent in his or her mind and become accustomed to exploring these otherwise unexplored scapes of their life. Shum meditations employ a technique called Dynamic Meditation that uses Meditation Maps to organise their practice. Meditation Maps are organised in stages from novice meditators to advanced meditators. They create a step by step ladder that can help people meditate and progress tangibly. 

Founder and Webmaster, Shum Sanctuary
Guhanatha Swami is the Founder of Shum Sanctuary and the principal author of the site's content. His spiritual journey led him to the creation Shum Sanctuary as a means of sharing the Path of Enlightenment with the world. You can connect with him through Shum Sanctuary's contact page. His spiritual journey that led him to his guru and his subsequent introduction to the Shum language is chronicled in the the following article: How A Language Inspired My Spiritual Journey.

Shum Sanctuary is the Home of Rehnadee Shum, which is a language for meditation.