Guhanatha Swami
Founder and Webmaster, Shum Sanctuary
Guhanatha Swami is the Founder of Shum Sanctuary and the principal author of the site's content. His spiritual journey led him to the creation Shum Sanctuary as a means of sharing the Path of Enlightenment with the world. You can connect with him through Shum Sanctuary's contact page. His spiritual journey that led him to his guru and his subsequent introduction to the Shum language is chronicled in the the following article: How A Language Inspired My Spiritual Journey.
Welcome to Shum Sanctuary. Ushering The Age of Enlightenment
Shum.tyam , Welcome to Shum Sanctuary. My name is Guhanatha Swami and I want to introduce you to Rehnadee Shum , a language created by a mystic for mystics and aspiring mystics.
Guhanatha Swami, the webmaster of Meditating
Shum.tyam , welcome to Shum Sanctuary. I am the Founder and Webmaster of Shum Sanctuary and my name is Guhanatha Swami. Since my childhood I've had an interest in mysticism. The desire to meditate cam...
Contact me, Guhanatha Swami directly through this email.
What are meditation maps? Meditation maps are charts that help meditators navigate the mind to reach mystic destinations. Meditation maps are essential tools of Rehnadee Shum. A meditation map is a di...
Shummef, The Shum Perspective focuses on life's spiritual purpose. From Shummef arises the Shum language, a language for meditation, through which the spiritual goals that Shummef espouses are are ful...