SimNa–Fodder Thoughts
SimNa is a Third Dimensional Shum Portrait that names fodder thoughts–or light-thoughts like fantasy. Thinking and breathing is what we do all the time, even in our quiet moments, spending some time by ourselves we we think and we breathe. Some of us see these thoughts in our mind through visualisation or we just talk out these thoughts in mental chatter–both are SimNa. SimNa thoughts are lightweights as they are not attached to emotions or any matter attached to important consequences, hence fodder thoughts.
In Shum meditation SimNa emanates from SeeSimNa. SeeSimNa is the energy of the mind that is used to create SimNa. This energy is constantly produced by the brain and because we are trained from little to think, it is habitual for our mind to produce SimNa from SeeSimNa. The amount of energy it takes to produce SimNa is small yet during meditation or whenever we need to concentrate, SimNa can interfere by causing distractions and dissipate SeeSimNa. When this happens the meditation will feel obstructed from progress or what we are doing unfulfilled. Thus an important skill that all Rehnaas' must learn is how to manage SimNa as it appears during meditation. For this there is a meditation map called SeeSimNa Shumnam which teaches a simple technique to thwart SimNa from obstructing meditations and teach the mind the habit of not creating SimNa during Shumnam. This meditation map can also help us hone our concentration which will be helpful in all areas of life.
SimNa though is not bad, or evil or negative. SimNa can be springboard for inspiration to produce ideas, plans and solutions and even out of the box thinking. They can also be therapuetic where distractions can be used to move awareness from a burdened mind to an unburdened space in the mind from which new perpectives that bring relief can be found. These useful and healthful benefits of SimNa are encapsulated in a series of meditation maps called the SimNa Shumnam.
SeeSimNa–The Thought Force
SeeSimNa is the raw energy generated by the biological functions of our brain that animates our body and mind. This is the energy with which we generate all thoughts and emotions, among them is SimNa. SeeSimNa as a Fourth Dimensional Shum Portrait that can felt through the Fourth Chakra relatively easily as it is a biological force. Just try to stop your mind from thinking for even a moment and you can feel SeeSimNa. It is like putting up a dam in your mind. When you eventually catch yourself drifting in thoughts, know that you have been compromised by SeeSimNa transforming into SimNa.
As you gain proficiency in accumulating SeeSimNa in your mind by practicing the SeeSimNa Shumnam you will first experience SeeSimNa as a light pressure forming in your head, if you are able to hold this state a little longer you will feel the same mild pressure around your heart area. This feeling is SeeSimNa.
SeeSimNa is a goal for beginner Rehnaas in the SeeSimNa Shumnam meditation map. In this map the meditator learns to accumulate SeeSimNa in the mind by thwarting the formation of SimNa. This meditation map is also used by intermediate level Rehnaas to learn to hold the accumulated energy of SeeSimNa for longer periods of time as a foundation for deeper mystic level meditations. In these meditations SeeSimNa is accumulated and directed from the Fourth Dimension to other dimensions for mystical and even healing purposes.
SeeSimNa Shumnam is simple enough to teach children and students to help them develop concentration and to enjoy a quiet mind. In our modern education holding a quiet mind to develop concentration is missing in its skill base. For beginner meditators without this skill meditations can end up with frustration or exhaustion if their effort gets plagued by distracting SimNa. SeeSimNa Shumnam is a solution that gradually trains the mind to get used to quietness within and accumulate 'Thought Force.'
MmSeeSimNa–In Harmony With Now
MmSeeSimNa is a Fifth Dimensional Portrait that names the experience of climax from accumulated SeeSimNa in the mind-space of the Fourth Dimension. This happens as the unspent Thought Force builds and fills mind. Without an outlet to form SimNa in the Third Dimension SeeSimNa will move upward into the Fifth Dimension where it stimulates the Fifth Chakra. When this happens the Rehnaa will feel the energy of SeeSimNa diffuse into space of the Fifth Dimension. This is a blissful experience as the energy within SeeSimNa becomes calm and the Rehnaa feels a strong sense of wellbeing in the moment. When the Rehnaa concludes a meditation with SeeSimNa she will feel her body and mind buzzing with actinic energy that fuels confidence, alignment with cosmic will and glowing healthfulness. A charged feeling that all-is-well-right-now is MmSeeSimNa.
MmSeeSimNa is a foundational goal for intermediate level Rehnaas and it is a gateway experience to the wonders of the Innerverse. For novice Rehnaas MmSeeSimNa is an eventual goal as they must develop the ability to maintain SeeSimNa in the Fourth Dimension long enough. Without initial training to maintain SeeSimNa from forming thoughts a novice Rehnaa will either be riddled by SimNa orl feel restless and end the meditation. To cultivate the ability to contain SeeSimNa the MmSeeSimNa Shumnam is practiced. The MmSeeSimNa Shumnam is the SeeSimNa Shumnam that involves breath control and gradually increasing the duration of the meditation.
Shum Masters and Shum Guides can use MmSeeSimNa to transmit blessings by accumulating SeeSimNa between the palm of their hands and then transfering that energy to whoever who needs it using a wave and blessing gesture or by placing their energised hand on the head of the blessed.