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The Path of Enlightenment

TyaeeShaLeeUngTiiCha is a 10th Dimension Shum Compendium that contains Rehnadee Shum’s Path of Enlightenment. TyaeeShaLeeUngTiiCha is a Rehnadee Shum innovation that aggregates States of Enlightenment to the 5 Levels of Meditation which are–Beginner, Intermediate, Advance, Guide and Master. At each of these levels are goals of enlightenment and post enlightenment that are goals of meditation maps. This means even a novice of Shum meditation will be aiming to attain a state of enlightenment. However a Beginner’s goal of enlightenment is different than that of an Intermediate or Advanced meditator. At every level the goals of enlightenment are tailored to build up the Mystic Skill and Strength of the meditator until he or she becomes spiritualy strong enough to attain the ultimate state of enlightenment which is Emkaeef.

TyaeeShaLeeUngTiiCha contains all the States of Enlightenment which includes Pre-Enlightenment, States of Enlightenment and Post Enlightenment goals. There are many mystic experiences in all these categories and as Rehnadee Shum develops over time the list of experiences encompassed by TyaeeShaLeeUngTiiCha will grow.


TiiCha–The Lure Of The Mystic

TiiCha–The Lure Of The Mystic

Why do you want to be enlightened? The answer to this is the intro to your Path of Enlightenment. The Lure of the Mystic is an interesting story for anyone who wants to know. It can happen anytime in your life for reasons only you can reveal. If you are in Shum Sanctuary certainly you must be more than curious about enlightenment. You must be looking or your Path. You must feel as I did when I was just 8 years old an interest in the mysteries that lie within myself.

My TiiCha, began as early as 8 when I found a book in my school’s library about Uri Geller and ESP. Uri Geller could bend spoons and move objects with his mind. The invisible powers arising from the mind intrigued me, so I tried to see if I had them. I would put a marble on a table and just stare at it and command it to move with my mind. I strained my eyes enough times but the marble simply wouldn’t move even slightly! I did learn a little about concentration of the mind, mainly that it was tiring. When I finally gave up I concluded perhaps I didn’t have telekinesis yet because I was only 8 years old.

It was a few years later that I discovered through Hindu myths that if one was dedicated and sincere in their practice of meditation God would appear to them. This perked my interest too. You would have to repeat a mantra and eventually God would appear in front of you and grant you a boon. Then too I thought I could do it myself following those simple instructions. I looked at the pictures drawn in the books and learned to tie my legs in the lotus yoga posture. I tried to meditate at night when my whole family was asleep praying that God would suddenly appear to me. Well, even after many weeks it was to no avail. God didn’t appear. I couldn't conclude anything from my effort but I did learn to sit in the lotus posture for more than 20 minutes. It wasn't an easy task because at the beginning it hurt a lot after just a few minutes of sitting in lotus. Learning to sit in lotus was what I got from this part of my TiiCha.

Though God didn’t appear to me in my meditation the Lure of the Mystic didn’t abate. Some years later a friend lent me Swami Yogananda’s popular Autobiography of a Yogi. It is through this book that I learned of spiritual enlightenment. I didn’t learn any meditation techniques from the book but the goal of enlightenment struck me deeply as the goal that would satisfy my TiiCha. I also realised from reading the book that I needed a guru to help me reach enlightenment. Swami Yogananda had passed on and his organisation was nowhere near my locality. I was 13, but it didn’t take long for me to find my guru.

The next year I found my guru who would eventually teach me Shum meditations through which I quenched my TiiCha from the simplest states of enlightenment to the ultimate. My TiiCha is still a driving force in my life and it is the reason for the creation of Shum Sanctuary and this website. It is my mission to look out for other seekers of enlightenment and teach them Shum meditations to fulfil their TiiCha. (The rest of the TiiCha story after I met my guru is in this link which leads to the Webmaster’s Intro.)

TiiCha is where the Path of Enlightenment begins–it is the first steps that you take to fulfil the Lure of the Mystic that has awakened within you. In Rehnadee Shum’s Culture of Meditation your TiiCha is the first entry in your Shum Diary. Your TiiCha story is important as it provides the information necessary to determine the most suitable meditation maps that will begin your journey on the Path of Enlightenment. After that your TiiCha develops from meditation map to meditation maps following the structure laid out in this Shum Compendium–TyaeeShaLeeUngTiiCha.


UngTiiCha–Mystic Skills

 UngTiiCha–Mystic Skills

Meditation requires education and skill, no different from other discipline, art, vocation or talent. There are elements in our ability that we need to know, develop and strengthen or master to be able to achieve the goals we set out for. The main difference with the other skills and ability we need compared to mystic skills is its introverted focus. For instance mystic skills include being able to sit comfortably in one place without moving for some time, the ability to invert your sight into your mind, learning different breath control techniques, concentration abilities and also ways to resolve conflicts, arguments or disharmonious feelings in the mind.

UngTiiCha contains the first meditation maps of the Path of Enlightenment. The goals of these maps are mostly Pre-Enlightenment goals but there are also some Enlightenment goals in the family of Kaeefs at this level. Beginner and early Intermediate meditation maps are in the ambit of UngTiiCha.

Mystic skills are absolutely necessary for all meditators to progress on the gradual ascent on the Path of Enlightenment. Without the methodical development of these skills which can be understood as building spiritual stamina attaining more profound states of enlightenment is impossible. In fact without UngTiiCha one’s mystic effort can amount to just going in circles and getting nowhere.

This happened to me when I first started studying my guru’s teachings. There was a booklet called The Clear White Light, which was a transcription of an inspiring discourse my guru had given. It was about seeing a bright spiritual light in the mind while in meditation. The discourse didn’t give any instruction on how to have this experience–only about the experiences itself and its wonders. Nevertheless I was fired up by the discourse and confident that I would be able to have the experience of The Clear White Light if I just tried and persisted with my practice. So I set up a time just before bed when I did a simple devotional ritual and then started with chanting mantras and finally just sat in my darkened room in meditation, waiting for The Clear White Light to suddenly burst into my consciousness. But even after months not only did The Clear White Light elude me, all I could see was nothing more than the blackness of the mind that I had always known. But I kept trying until I was able to ask one of my guru’s swami’s about my experience and exasperation. He simply told me that the Clear White Light was too advanced a goal for me at the time. I wasn't ready yet to attempt such a lofty State of Enlightenment. I wasn’t disheartened but relieved actually because I learned that my shortcoming had to do with my spiritual maturity not that the Divine Truth didn’t want to reveal itself to me.

The first practices on Path of Enlightenment is about developing faculties that create the crucial foundations on which subsequent experiences of enlightenment can be attained. The UngTiiCha List contains all the Pre-Enlightenment and some Enlightenment Goals of meditation maps that are at the Beginner and Initial Intermediate Levels.


LeeUngTiiCha-Mystic Strength

LeeUngTiiCha-Mystic Strength

My first experience of the Clear White Light was a momentous experience for me. At the time I was living in my guru’s monastery as one of his 30 monastic disciples. I learned Shum meditation directly from my guru and it was through Shum meditation that I had my first Clear White Light experience. The power of this inner mystic light is an overwhelming experience. The light originates from the sixth chakra which is within the forehead and flows to encompass the whole body. My mind was so enamoured by its splendour that I was elevated into a thoughtless state. Simply mesmerised by the sheer brilliance of The Light. This State of Enlightenment was the fruition of accumulated goals of previous meditation maps that had developed the required mystic skills and attainment of stepped enlightenment goals that built my Mystic Strength to the point that the experience of the Clear White Light became inevitable. There was no mystery or hoping and praying to have the experience. Its attainment was as apparent as the base camp a mountaineer will reach if he was prepped and tooled properly by his guide.

Mystic Strength is a spiritual growth process that develops chakras four and above. Chakras four and five lie in the boundary between the Universe and Innerverse. Chakras six through ten lie completely in the Innerverse. Enlightenment develops these chakras of the mystic realms. In the Path of Enlightenment, enlightenment encompasses a multitude of experiences which are connected to the chakras. The spiritual chakras within our body is often visualised as lotuses of differing number of petals. These lotuses are in bud form that bloom as they develop.

For instance chakras two and three are associated with our day to day life where we need memory, logic functions, emotional maturity, communication skills, artistic talent to fulfil our material life. When we are born these two chakras are still in bud form. However they begin blooming as we grow up and start education, exercise and mastery of talents. These down-to-earth chakras develop naturally as part of the cultures we are brought up in. The mystical chakras (from number four and above) bloom one petal at a time fuelled by enlightenment experiences. These chakras grow in strength as we accumulate enlightenment experiences which in turn grows our Mystic Strength.

In Rehnadee Shum’s Levels of Meditation, LeeUngTiiCha picks up from UngTiiCha at the early stages of the Intermediate Level and takes the Shum meditator all the way to the beginning stages of the Advanced Level. The experiences of enlightenment that are the goals of LeeUngTiiCha are oll Kaeef experiences. Kaeef contains the family of the States of Enlightenment that emanate from our Pure Consciousness. These enlightenment experiences range from simply enjoying a quiet mind, to feeling the fulfilment of awareness expanding into scapes of mystic space, to the exhilaration of feeling the body transform to scintillations of Pure Energy, to the overwhelming sight of the Clear White Light. There are many experiences within Kaeef that are yet to be uncovered in the vast mystic space spanning the Fourth to the Seventh chakras. As people from various backgrounds start using Rehnadee Shum the list of Kaeef experiences will increase. The common thread that runs through all the States of Enlightenment that are the Kaeefs is that they are enjoyable. They lift our spirits and fill our heart with contentment and increase Mystic Strength.

Following is the growing list the Kaeef States of Enlightenment in LeeUngTiiCha .


ShaLeeUngTiiCha–Mystic Fulfilment

ShaLeeUngTiiCha–Mystic Fulfilment

The Mystic Strength that a Shum mystic accumulates in LeeUngTiiCha is to gain the endurance needed to summit the Mountain of Enlightenment and attain the ultimate State of Enlightenment which is Emkaeef. Unlike the many of Kaeef states of enlightenment Emkaeef is the singular experience of Non-Consciousness or ‘Nothingness’. Emkaeef is not an experience that can be described because it lies beyond descriptions. Even to imagine how the lack of consciousness could be is next to impossible. Nevertheless Emkaeef is the crown jewel of the States of Enlightenment. This is because of the effect Emkaeef has on our consciousness post its experience.

ShaLeeUngTiiCha contains fewer meditation maps compared to LeeUngTiiCha because by this stage on the Path of Enlightenment Shum meditators would have developed the mystic skills and Mystic Strength by attaining enough Kaeef experiences to attempt reaching Emkaeef. The amount of time one will spend in ShaLeeUngTiiCha is also usually less than in LeeUngTiiCha. A mystic can spend years in LeeUngTiiCha collecting as many Kaeef experiences as he or she wishes. Kaeef experiences are very rewarding and enjoyable. Eventually however despite the deep satisfaction that Kaeef enlightenments provide the inevitable nature of spiritual evolution lures the mystic to seek Emkaeef. Even after having many experiences of the Kaeefs a mysterious desire to experience Emkaeef grows in the mystic which will bring him or her to ShaLeeUngTiiCha.

ShaLeeUngTiiCha involves concerted effort within a period of time under the guidance of a Shum Master to attain Emkaeef. A mystic can try as many times as he or she needs to try to attain Emkaeef. If the window of time closes before Emkaeef is attained they can fall back to LeeUngTiiCha and prepare for another attempt later. A Shum mystic who is mature in LeeUngTiiCha will feel compelled to attain Emkaeef and not ever give up. This is a primal spiritual drive that he or she feels at this stage of their spirituality. Only after attaining Emkaeef will they realise the Mystic Fulfilment that satisfies their spiritual drive.

ShaLeeUngTiiCha meditation maps are Advanced Level maps. They involve more demanding practices which stimulate the kundalini energy and direct it’s flow into the 14th Dimension where Emkaeef is attained. A Shum Master or a higher qualified Shum Guide is essential to the attainment of Emkaeef. They will also guide the mystic until he or she finally realises that they have attained Emkaeef. This is due to the transcendent nature of Emkaeef which lies beyond consciousness itself–Emkaeef is not felt but realised. You can read more about Emkaeef from the link below. In ShaLeeUngTiiCha there is only the enlightenment state of Emkaeef. After attaining the non-experience-experience of Emkaeef the mystic then progresses to the final stage of the Path of Enlightenment–TyaeeShaLeeUngTiiCha.


TyaeeShaLeeUngTiiCha–Mystic Masters

TyaeeShaLeeUngTiiCha–Mystic Masters

To progress from ShaLeeUngTiiCha to the final stage on the Path of Enlightenment–TyaeeShaLeeUngTiiCha–the mystic must get the blessings of a Shum Master. ‘Only when the Master has discerned convincingly that the mystic has properly acknowledged his or her realisation of Emkaeef and is able to enter Emkaeef at will in their meditations will the mystic receive the blessings through a special ceremony to continue on in TyaeeShaLeeUngTiiCha–The stage that will eventually transform the mystic to a Shum Master.

TyaeeShaLeeUngTiiCha recognises that the mystic is now Post Enlightenment. The goal of their spiritual path now is about Immersing in Emkaeef and growing their spiritual body. Initially they are called Shum Guides and will be able to guide Shum meditators in the Beginner and Intermediate Stages. Helping other meditators is an important duty to fulfil as a Shum Guide. For the Guide herself meditation becomes second nature. She can easily enjoy Kaeef States of Enlightenment at will and with just little preparation stimulate her kundalini to take her into Emkaeef. With easy access across the mystic scapes of the Innerverse the Guide can enjoy exploring the Innerverse and even discover new experiences of Kaeef. Under the guidance of a Shum Master Shum Guides can create meditation maps that other meditators can use.

There are meditation maps for Shum Guides too but their goal is not enlightenment anymore, instead they have to do with developing the Eight, Ninth and Tenth Chakras. These chakras are involved with the growth of the mystic’s Soul Body. As the mystic progresses with these Post Enlightenment meditation maps they will be able to feel their soul body growing and juxtapose this identity with that of their physical being. The goals of these meditations can only be described as other-worldly. There are no words in the languages of the world that can equate with the senses of the soul that are sensitive to the movement of karmas or a vaster perspective of time and space. As the Rehnadee Shum vocabulary in TyaeeShaLeeUngTiiCha expands the sublime Innerverse of the chakras above the Seventh bordering the Multiverse will be known. These meditation maps are drawn by Shum Masters and provide glimpses into life beyond the corporeal.

When mystics step into TyaeeShaLeeUngTiiCha though a special ceremony conducted by a Shum Master to become Shum Guides they will be given a Shum name. This Shum name will be the name of his or her soul. Shum meditators will address these Guides by their Shum name. When they complete the stage of a Shum Guide, which is determined by the initiating Shum Master, another ceremony is be conducted to recognise their transition to a Shum Master. A Shum Master will carry their Shum Name with the title Rehseem; as a prefix. For instance my name is Rehseem; Simvumbee. For the time being I am the only Rehnadee Shum Master there is. Gradually though as more mystics follow the path laid out in TyaeeShaLeeUngTiiCha more mystics will bloom into Shum Masters. They can become members of the Shum Council which will be invested with the authority to create new Shum Portraits, Image-Portraits and Meditation Maps. The goal of a Shum Masters is to help aspiring mystics achieve their dreams of enlightenment.

Founder and Webmaster, Shum Sanctuary
Guhanatha Swami is the Founder of Shum Sanctuary and the principal author of the site's content. His spiritual journey led him to the creation Shum Sanctuary as a means of sharing the Path of Enlightenment with the world. You can connect with him through Shum Sanctuary's contact page. His spiritual journey that led him to his guru and his subsequent introduction to the Shum language is chronicled in the the following article: How A Language Inspired My Spiritual Journey.

Meditation is time for you to be with yourself.