Shum Sanctuary Introduction
The Four Perspectives Meditation Map

Human communication is a crucial, vast and complex element of all our lives and just as Shum Meditations are driven by the Shum Perspective communication languages pilot three other perspectives. These three perspectives are the Perspective of Thoughts, The Perspective of Fact and the Perspective of Hope.

Collectively with the Shum Perspective these are the Four Perspectives of the Mind. In Rehnadee Shum the Four Perspectives of The Mind are as follows:

  1. Vu’ummf - Perpective of Thoughts
  2. See’ef - Perspective of Fact
  3. Tyaf - Perspective of Hope
  4. Shummef - Shum Perspective

Each of us can think differently from one another. We can all have different hopes and wishes while we celebrate and appreciate our commonality. We can be among billions of people yet stand out as an individual because of our mind. Our mind is as vast and complex as the universe surrounding us. In Rehnadee Shum our mind spans the 14 dimensions contained within SuhSeemfNakaee and we can operate within these dimensions through Four Perspectives–The Perspective of Thoughts, The Perspective of Fact, The Perspective of Hope and The Shum Perspective.

The Perspective of Thoughts–Vu'ummf

Vu’ummf The Perspective of Thoughts

I think therefore I am. Thoughts and life go hand in hand and language is its vehicle. The culture of teaching a language for communication at childhood is an universal human tradition. Our life is as wonderful, complicated, difficult, simple, joyous, organised, disorganised, painful or simple as our thoughts. As soon as we learn a language our mind becomes a thought machine. From the time we are awake until we sleep we think. Thinking is as ubiquitous to life as it is special. Through our thoughts we develop and protect our identity and nurture our sense of being. Writing thoughts creates history through which cultures, traditions and Nations are born as is philosophy and religion. Indeed the immense literary work that we have created and continue to create through the eons is the bedrock of human civillization and development.

The Perspective of Thoughts which in Rehnadee Shum is Vu’ummf is used to communicate the meaning of Shum words and Meditation Map instructions. To do this Rehnadee Shum can use any language. Rehnadee Shum itself is inadequate to be used to form thoughts because of its purpose and this is deliberate as mystical experiences beyond the 7th Dimension can only be achieved through an absolutely silent mind that is free of thoughts. Meditation below the 7th Dimension usually start out thought-based and gradually accustom us to thought-less mystic experiences. There is also a series of meditation called Vu’ummf Shumnam which are specially crafted thought based meditation that is used at the novice and intermediate levels to have a glimpse of the mystic space within oneself.

The Perspective of Fact–See'ef

See’ef The Perspective of Fact

See’ef is about limits. While in the realm of Vu’ummf sky is the limit, See’ef sets limits based on commonly accepted facts. Facts are powerful. Fact lead to knowing and shared knowing, education, leads to innovation and technological development within defined limits. Our life within family, community, village and nation are governed by culture and traditions that set limits to what we can do and how we can behave. These limits are mostly based on long observed consequences of actions which are applied into law of nations, codes of conduct and ethics. See’ef can also be called the Perspective of Science since science follows the same principles of observed and accepted facts. See’ef gives us our tech, our times of peace and also war. Through See’ef we endeavour to place as much of our life as we can into two columns–possible and impossible. Grey areas are mathematical probabilities that must fit into either of these columns. In Rehnadee Shum See’ef is used in the meditation series See’ef Shumnam. This technique can used as a method to find solutions to problems and challenges.

The Perspective of Hope–Tyaf

Tyaf The Perspective of Hope

Tyaf The Perspective of Hope as it infers is about having hope. Hope may seem like a rudimentary aspect of life yet it is crucial to our wellbeing and our feelings of security. While See’ef endeavours to inject certainty in life as much as possible we can never completely shake off uncertainty even if our doggit determination to eliminate uncertainty spurs the development of human civilisation and scientific advancement. Since the birth of humanity we have as a collective species worked to make life for successive generations more secure. Still uncertainty, be it unplanned or unanticipated situations and loss is an unavoidable part of life. In Shum’s Four Perspectives of the Mind, Tyaf, The Perspective of Hope is what we use to manage uncertainties in life.

Tyaf helps us cross the grey and dark areas of life where we have to deal with fear, anxiety, loss and grief with the power of hope and faith. A good part of our culture and traditions is dedicated to Tyaf. Through Tyaf we have religious communion and rituals, prayers, superstitions, astrology and such. These practices which are ingrained into us from when we are young to give us the strength to navigate the most difficult chapters of life.

In Rehnadee Shum Meditation Maps under the Tyaf Shumnam series are used as therapy for well-being. Tyaf Shumnams are vital meditative skills to have especially to move from intermediate to advanced levels of meditation. To reach and maintain spiritual enlightenment states the meditator must spend time to iron out deep seated subconscious disturbances otherwise they act like anchors to spiritual progress. Tyaf Shumnams identifies these encumbrances in the mind and ferrets them out so the innate purity of the soul can shine through the subconscious.

The Shum Perspective–Shummef

Shummef The Shum Perspective

Shum is a mapping language that carries with it a method of organising and naming mystic experiences. It’s usefulness is tied to the Shum Perspective or Shummef which supercharges one’s spiritual development as a soulful being living on Earth. This is unlike other languages which is tied to our day to day life that is about communication amongst us and organising day to day activity. Shum is free to focus on helping us enrich our spirituality. Understanding Shummef helps one navigate the mystic mind through Shum meditation. You can learn more about Shummef from this link.

 The Four Perspectives of the Mind Meditation Map

Founder and Webmaster, Shum Sanctuary
Guhanatha Swami is the Founder of Shum Sanctuary and the principal author of the site's content. His spiritual journey led him to the creation Shum Sanctuary as a means of sharing the Path of Enlightenment with the world. You can connect with him through Shum Sanctuary's contact page. His spiritual journey that led him to his guru and his subsequent introduction to the Shum language is chronicled in the the following article: How A Language Inspired My Spiritual Journey.

Shum Sanctuary is the Home of Rehnadee Shum, which is a language for meditation.